Sunday, November 30, 2014

Of Beginnings and Endings

Whew! Those months flew right past me and boy did things happen! 

I turned 30

Major milestone! Went berserk a couple of days before and after the birthday, the birthday when I turn 30. My friends know how big of a deadline 30 is for me, post crossing the marker I decided to take on a more pragmatic view of things and be relative. Pauso ni Ariana Huffington, the third metric ek ek. Although I did manage to check from the list a couple of goals I set for myself, which brings me to me second point.

I got a condo

Finally, I took the plunge and just took on a major financial obligation. Right after graduation I succinctly remember setting this goal for myself and it is one of the few that remained and weathered the growing up and maturing process.

It's certainly not much but this is now what I call home, of course aside from the home where I grew up in.

I finally reached European Soil

Call it whatever you want but I'm certainly putting this in my list of achievements, not because of the gastos implications but because of all the work I put into it. Planning the trip for the whole family by myself without any professional help from a travel agent, navigating the streets, airports, canals, train stations of major cities and dealing with snooty embassy people is certainly a laurel on my head that I'd wear proudly.

Things picked up...